State building program authorization [Sec. 9108 (1)] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
State building program modifications [Sec. 9108 (2), (3)-(7)] [9108 (7) — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Surplus state property sale or lease: use of proceeds from [Sec. 16m, 24g-m] [16m — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited  -  Act 285
public debtPublic debt, see Debt, Public
public defenderPublic defender
Attorneys in SPD office: state employment labor relations act to cover  -  Act 324
Caseload standards increased [Sec. 7286, 7287]  -  Act 27
Court record cost reimbursement by SPD [Sec. 7161, 7162, 7178, 7179, 7184, 7185, 9310 (3)]  -  Act 27
Full caseload exemption repealed [Sec. 7288]  -  Act 27
Indigency verification and collection of representation costs: SPD authority expanded; provisions re social security number on applications, use of collection agency and DOA and DILHR duties [Sec. 1110, 1111, 2448d-h, 3422, 3423, 3649m, r, 6398m, 7257, 7263e, f, k, 7269-7281s, 7290m, p, 9144 (2), (2m), 9444 (1x)]  -  Act 27
Indigent person's case attacking conditions of confinement: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 1108, 7265, 7282, 9344 (1)]  -  Act 27
Interpreters costs: SPD responsibility [Sec. 1107, 7180, 7207-7209]  -  Act 27
Legal representation for indigent persons: SPD contracts with private attorneys expanded; attorney compensation revisions [Sec. 2444m, 2635m, 7076m, 7096t, 7206n, 7212m, 7263g, i, 7284b-7285m, 7289, 7290t, 9144 (4zt), 9344 (4d)] [7096t, 9144 (4zt) — partial veto; 7263i, 7284m — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Nonsupport cases against indigent persons: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7266-7268, 9344 (3)]  -  Act 27
Paralegal pilot project: SPD report required [Sec. 9144 (4)]  -  Act 27
Paternity action by indigent person: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7112-7113b, 7118m-7120m, 7264m, 9344 (2q)]  -  Act 27
Payment of certain photocopying costs [Sec. 7249]  -  Act 27
Private attorney and investigator reimbursement: SPD appropriation increased  -  Act 248
Private bar performance requirements re SPD service [Sec. 7263m, 7285, 9144 (2md)]  -  Act 27
Probation and parole revocation hearing: SPD representation prohibited [Sec. 2435t, 2437r, 2442r-v, 2445g, 2448b, 7268b-y, 9344 (5g)-(5m]  -  Act 27
Public defender information system report required [Sec. 9101 (18t)]  -  Act 27
Quantities of certain documents supplied to SPD revised [Sec. 1750-1754]  -  Act 27
public documentPublic document
Legislative document distribution service subscription provisions [Sec. 41m, 42m, 1755m, n, 9137 (2v), 9337 (1v)]  -  Act 27
Print-to-mail center established in DOA [Sec. 14L, 9101 (20m)]  -  Act 27
Publications and mailings by state agencies: report on feasibility of sponsorship required [Sec. 9159 (14h)] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Quantities of certain documents supplied to SPD revised [Sec. 1750-1754]  -  Act 27
State agency distribution of publications to legislators: procedure created [Sec. 1749m]  -  Act 27
Personnel commission: fee schedule for appeals required [Sec. 6293, 9143 (2)]  -  Act 27
Sick leave policy and report by DHSS required [Sec. 9126 (22x)]  -  Act 27
University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority: retaliatory action against employes for disclosing certain information prohibited  -  Act 326
Vacant positions in state agencies: fee to cover cost of advertising permitted [Sec. 1094, 6280]  -  Act 27
public employe _ group insurancePublic employe — Group insurance, see also Insurance — State
Group health insurance market reform; provisions re guaranteed acceptance, preexisting condition exclusions and limitations, portability, contract termination and renewability; collective bargaining of certain health care coverage requirements [partial veto]  -  Act 289
Health insurance premium credits program created; clerical and related employes bargaining unit contract ratified  -  Act 89
Health insurance premium credits program created for nonrepresented state employes and elected state officials  -  Act 88
Sick leave accumulated for service as national guard technician prior to 1966: credit for payment of postretirement health insurance premiums  -  Act 240
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts and health insurance, LAB audit, records management, legislative review and recommendations, bond issuance and contractual services [Sec. 1g-2b, 8m, 9-15, 28, 39g-r, 55-57, 61g-67m, 9162 (1), 9458 (1w)]  -  Act 216
public employe _ hours of laborPublic employe — Hours of labor, see also Hours of labor
Nonrepresented state employe compensation plan modified re administration, wage or parity adjustment, catastrophic leave, travel expenses and attorney general's salary  -  Act 37
State holidays and paid holidays for state employes revised re Good Friday  -  Act 178
public employe _ labor unionPublic employe — Labor union
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 383
Attorneys in SPD office: state employment labor relations act to cover  -  Act 324
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 82
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 86
Clerical and related employes bargaining unit: contract ratification; DETF duties created re health insurance premium credits program  -  Act 89
Law enforcement collective bargaining unit created for certain employes of DOA, DOT and U.W. system  -  Act 251
Professional education bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 384
Professional engineering bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 202
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 206
Professional patient care bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 385
Professional patient care collective bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  . Act 1
Professional patient treatment bargaining unit: contract ratification for the 1993-95 and 1995-97 biennia  -  Act 87
Professional research, statistics and analysis bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 207
Professional science bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 203
Professional social services bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 83
Security and public safety bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 85
Technical employe bargaining unit: contract ratification  -  Act 84
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification  -  Act 204
U.W. Milwaukee program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification  -  Act 205
public employe _ salaryPublic employe — Salary, see also Public employe — Labor union
Bonus compensation for Investment board performance: distribution procedure revised [Sec. 9132 (1g)]  -  Act 27
Health insurance premium credits program created for nonrepresented state employes and elected state officials  -  Act 88
Nonrepresented professional school district employe compensation and fringe benefit cost limit revisions [Sec. 3961ai, 3962, 3963b-3966, 4023m, 9345 (4), (12z)]]  -  Act 27
Nonrepresented state employe compensation plan modified re administration, wage or parity adjustment, catastrophic leave, travel expenses and attorney general's salary  -  Act 37
School district employe salary during energy emergency: payment requirement eliminated  -  Act 66
public employe _ travel provisionsPublic employe — Travel provisions
Ride-sharing program: certain applicant information kept confidential  -  Act 423
Van pools operated by DOA: nonstate employes as drivers permitted  -  Act 47
Female genital mutilation prohibited; exception provided  -  Act 365
Health functions of state agencies: DHSS to develop plan for transfer to local health departments [Sec. 9126 (27h)] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Lead poisoning or exposure prevention: DHSS rule-making authority re grants criteria [Sec. 6328g-i, 9126 (27x)]  -  Act 27
MA services: county operating deficit program revised; local health department provision; types of services expanded re federal funds [Sec. 46k-p]  -  Act 216
Minors' employment as laboratory assistants permitted in certain cases [Sec. 3756m]  -  Act 27
Poison control centers funding [Sec. 812, 4370]  -  Act 27
Primary health care services: grants to local public health departments reduced [Sec. 6313b]  -  Act 27
Tattooing and body piercing: regulation and licensing provisions created; duties of DHFS or local health departments set  -  Act 468
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited  -  Act 285
public inland lake managementPublic inland lake management, see Lakes
Appropriations restructured [Sec. 569, 571-579, 596, 597, 1978, 3856, 3879, 3880, 3885]  -  Act 27
Departmental efficiency savings report and approval procedure [Sec. 9104 (5), 9105 (2), 9126 (24x), 9136 (2), 9145 (7), 9157 (5)] [9126 (24x), 9136 (2), 9145 (7), 9157 (5) — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Developmental delay specified re special education for children ages 3 to 5; DPI to conduct inservice training  -  Act 298
DPI renamed Department of education; structure revised; State superintendent duties modified [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Education, Department of"] [Ruled unconstitutional by Wisconsin Supreme court, 3/29/96]  -  Act 27